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Studio Works

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of Studios Works

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monthly plan


$4.99 billed monthly
Full access to SWpro features

yearly plan


$49.99 billed yearly
Full access to SWpro features

Choose SWpro and get the best out of your account!

With SWpro you will immediately unlock the following advanced options:

A powerful search engine, including searches by:

  • type (studio vs movie ranch)
  • number of available soundstages
  • numbers of available tanks (indoor, outdoor)
  • minimum and maximum stage surface
  • types of shooting areas by genre (western, residential, medieval,...)
  • types of cycloramas
  • available studio options (workshops, backlots, post-production facilities,...)
  • available studio specialties (silent stage, TV stage, permanent sets,...)
  • various sorting filters by keyword (name, creation date, owner's name)
  • + all of the above per geographical location, including a quick map mode with searches by: continent, country, region, state and town

A unique Selection tool to help you finetune your results by saving a list of selected soundstages, shooting areas, indoor and outdoor tanks, to be sorted, compared, and either exported or printed for later referal.

A curated list of books about the histories of many legendary studio film lots

Also, coming later this year, we are planning to bring you a rich statistics page, showcasing the largest studios and stages in the world, by continent, country, region or town,...

monthly plan

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yearly plan

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