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The purpose of Studio Works (SW) is to offer the most complete and accurate directory of available film studio lots around the world. It is mostly aimed at film and television producers, line producers, production managers, production designers and to any and all filmmakers.

SW is meant to be a professional grade research tool. It may seem obvious today, with the current explosion of film content production and creation around world, that the necessity for available production space would follow the trend. But our vision to bring all the available information about film studio lots around the world started a decade ago, way before the present situation arose . By pure passion at first, for all things related to the film industry, then because of a growing and undeniable feeling of need . When we started out, we thought and still think that in the digital asset dominated era we are living and working in, a tool such as SW is an inescapable evidence. Today, as we are finally able to present our passion project to the world, we hope that our intuition and hard work will satisfy your professional demands, making SW one of your go-to tools for all your film production needs.

Building any online directory is a permanent work in progress which, with your help, will hopefully continue to grow and expand through a mutually beneficial collaboration. If you are a studio owner, or manager, please do not hesitate to work with us to improve your studio page, either by providing us with up-to-date data or by suggesting new data points of interest. Send us recent pictures, maps and floor plans which may improve the overall presentation of your property. If you are a hobbyist or a recent or potential client, please feel free to reach out to us, providing any information you may find pertinent - and factually accurate. In either case, we are hoping to hear your feed-back soon.

Until then, happy filmmaking !


After completing, in the early nineties, his film studies in Paris, Xavier Ruiz started his career dealing in the international film and television sales industry during two years in New York. In 1996, he decided to follow his passion for film making and started working exclusively as a film and television director and producer based in Geneva, Switzerland. In this capacity, Xavier has produced six features films, two features documentaries and two television series. He has also directed three features films, the Swiss version of the famous British show “Spitting Image” and over one thousand hours of live television.

Xavier is a member of the European Film Academy and the Swiss Academy of Motion Pictures. Named “Producer on the Move” at the Cannes film festival in 2003 and nominated twice as Best Film producer and Best Animated Film producer at the Swiss film Academy Awards.

As a life long enthusiast of everything film related, he has traveled the world to discover many of the world’s most legendary studios. Through this passion, he has compiled over ten years, a vast amount of information which he has now chosen to share via the creation of Studio Works, a website dedicated to the listing of every soundstage and film lot available to the film professional.

Despite this time consuming endeavour as founder and editor-in-chief of Studio Works, Xavier is still hard at work, developing several features films and television series of his own.

He is also available for film studio consulting.


Sébastien Cuthbert was promoted from the Geneva school for computer sciences in 2020. Since, he has kept on specializing in back-end web development, working on various web related projects including, over the last three years, this mammoth of an undertaking by single-handedly coding every bite of Studio Works. Also, in 2022 he followed a 4 month french "RNCP 6" degree in web developement at Le Wagon, in Paris. When he is not writing lines of code, Sébastien plays the drums, learns japanese and plays an unholy amount of obscure video games.


Graphic artist by trade and passionate about all things visually creative, Nicholas Cuthbert is a life long film enthusiast. Starting young as a budding film director in his teens and later screenwriter for two of Xavier Ruiz’s feature films, he has invested most of his pandemic downtime to learn the tools of web design. Coinciding perfectly with the genesis of the Studio Works project, which Xavier had been mulling over in his head for a long time.
