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Studio Works
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To be included in this directory, we consider that a film studio must be a building complex with a minimum working surface of 10,000 square feet, comprising at least one soundstage.
A soundstage is a soundproofed indoor stage with no daylight. It must offer air conditioning, an adequate electrical power supply and must be able to handle the shooting requirements of feature films, high-end television shows.
A combined stage is not an additional stage, but the physical combination of two or more stages to achieve a bigger one. These stages must be linked by shared walls.
A tank (or pit) is a surface that is deeper than the main floor of the stage. It is used to build sets below the stage floor (such as a basement). It can sometimes be used (if equipped) as a pool for underwater filming.
A deep tank is a part of a tank with an even deeper floor. It is mainly used for underwater filming and special effects setups.
To offer our users an efficient method for finding the right setting for their production needs we have devised the following classification.
We have divided all film studios into three groups:
The “A” class: reserved for purpose built studios. These are the most ideal type of studios, designed to be at the top of any production’s filming requirements; with the most efficient soundproofing (including silent air conditioning and heating), a powerful electrical power and some extra perks such as fast Internet connexion and more.
The “B” class: mostly identical to the previous but comprised of repurposed buildings. Offer quality settings but built in majority in refurbished premises such as warehouses.
The “C” class: refers to any alternative to the above. These studios, which are often set in warehouses, can vary a lot from one to another in terms of quality and can present potential issues such as low ceilings, obtrusive pillars, non rectangular areas and are generally not very well soundproofed. Their big appeal, on the other hand is generally a lot of available space.
We have opted to add some granularity within the three classification groups (A, B and C) to help fine-tune our users research queries based on the quantity of available stages and their sizes.
These are broken down as follows:
AAAAA : describes a studio with at least 14 soundstages for a minimum size of 200,000 ft² (18’580 m²).
AAAA : describes a studio with at least 7 soundstages for a minimum size of 120,000 ft² (11’148 m²).
AAA : describes a studio with at least 5 soundstages for a minimum size of 80,000 ft² (7’432 m²).
AA : describes a studio with at least 3 soundstages for a minimum size of 40,000 ft² (3'716 m²).
A : describes a studio with at least 1 soundstage for a minimum size of 10,000 ft² total size (929 m²).
BBBB : describes a studio with at least 7 soundstages for a minimum size of 100,000 ft² (9'290 m²).
BBB : describes a studio with at least 5 soundstages for a minimum size of 70,000 ft² (6'503 m²).
BB : describes a studio with at least 3 soundstages for a minimum size of 35,000 ft² (3'251 m²).
B : describes a studio with at least 1 soundstage for a minimum size of 10,000 ft² (929 m²).
CCCC: describes a studio with at least 7 soundstages for a minimum size of 80,000 ft² (7’432 m²).
CCC: describes a studio with at least 5 soundstages for a minimum size of 60,000 ft² (5'574 m²).
CC : describes a studio with at least 3 soundstages for a minimum size of 30,000 ft² (2'787 m²).
C : describes a studio with at least 1 soundstage for a minimum size of 10,000 ft² (929 m²).
Also, when added:
+ : describes a studio witch includes a backlot (exterior shooting area).
Currently, we have not yet developed a satisfactory method for objectively rating movie ranches. However, we will keep at it, and hope that in the future we will come up with a set of valid criteria by which to also rate movie ranches.
“VpV” is an acronym for “Virtual Production Volume”; a new type of soundstage designed with a state of the art 3D system which synchronizes a huge LED display to any camera movement, creating a realtime virtual background directly on the set.
This type of stage is typically not soundproof. We only mention these when a studio includes one or several "silent stages" as a part of it's overall offer.
Any permanently built stage which offers a ready to use, easily recognizable setting such as hospitals, prisons, train stations, airplanes, etc.
The name of the city you see on the studio result “card” may not necessarily be where the studio is exactly based. Sometimes, we have chosen instead to mention the name of the closest area or town of importance.
Yes, we offer a free “basic” version which will give you access to all the publicly available information about all the studios and movie ranches listed on our website.
If you wish to enjoy the full experience of what this directory has to offer, with access all its rich features set such as our powerful search engine, maps and statistics, you will need to choose an SWpro account for which you will need to invest a yearly fee. For more information, please visit our SWpro page.
All versions of our website require that users must be registered.
You may convert your account to SWpro at any time provided you pay the subscription fee. For more information, please visit our SWpro page.
Without renewal, your SWpro access will end after the current subscription period. This does not cancel your account however.
You will only have access to the search engine and see the maps in the directory if you have purchased SWpro. For more information, please visit our SWpro page.
SWpro members will be able to use this feature to select and add any soundstage or shooting area to a “compare” shortlist. This is an effective tool for filmmakers who are trying to find the very best location for their production needs.
You will find a “unit” converter option box at the top of all tables.
Not quite. There are few reasons a studio may not be listed:
The total surface of all soundstages is inferior to 10,000 ft2.
The studio is dedicated only to broadcast television.
The studio can’t be “dry” hired.
The studio is in warehouse that is unfit for filming.
Lastly, the absence of a studio may simply be due to too little available information, or simply because it has slipped under our radar.
Our aim is to help professionals who wish to produce feature films and high-end television. Through experience, we have come to the conclusion that surfaces under 10,000 ft2 are not fit to handle these kinds of productions.
Enlisting any eligible studio is free of charge. Please check the directory policy to see if your studio is eligible.
Naturally as a studio owner/manager you are entitled to receive one SWpro access, free of charge, per studio enlisted.
We are currently not set up to accept advertisments on SW but may consider it in the future. Please contact us if you are interested in advertising on our website.
We will endeavor to offer the most complete, accurate and up-to-date information possible at all times. However, because we can only react to what we know, we invite studio owners and managers to help us keep their details accurate by contacting us by email at info@filmstudiodirectory.com